We will also collect the required data on city / regional level1:

  1. socioeconomic data: Census data for (population, income, job, etc.) from bureau of Statistics and Provincial Peoples Committee starting from 1980 to 2016;

  2. meteorological data: rainfall, temperature, humidity from the hydromet offices of past 50 years;

  3. climatic data: Events (intensity, duration, extent, etc.) of flood, drought, cyclone, storm surge, intense (heavy) rain of past 50 years;

  4. river data: river gauge data (river flow, silt load, water level, etc.) of past 50 years or more;

  5. national ground control points (GCPs) data of three provinces;
  6. topographic maps covering three provinces (1:50,000 scale) and three cities (1:25,000 scale or better, if available) and digital contour data of three provinces;

  7. In the preparation phase of the project we will also investigate if there are recent land use mapsavailable at for example the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DONRE);

  8. for Hue city Sea datasets: Daily reading of tide fluctuation (Tide gauge) from the closest location, Bathymetry data (if available), and, Cyclone/Storm surge hitting Hue city during the past 50 years ormore (as available); and

  9. together with the knowledge partners we will determine if any other datasets may seem necessary to collect;