Baseline Data Repository
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- Written by Joomla
- Category: Joomla!
- Hits: 11
The data repository will exist of the following main datasets:
Processed and orthorectified high resolution EO Satellite data
High resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
Socioeconomic, meteorological, climatic and river datasets, GCPs and topographic maps (existing data collected from relevant agencie
(updated) land use data layer(s)
Topography data layer(s)
Spatial Application Facility (SAF)
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- Written by Joomla
- Category: Joomla!
- Hits: 14
There is no longer any reasonable doubt that the climate is changing. It is no longer a distant possibility but a current reality. Projections of the impact this will have on global climate, and therefore on our society, economy, and wider environment, is becoming more and more refined. Timing of seasons may change, frequency and severity of floods and tropical cyclones combined with sea level rise are increasing. For cities across the world climate change has become one of the defining challenges for policymakers, industry and civil society.
Using geospatial Information technologies to support this enormous task allows looking at and analysing various Climate change scenarios in relation to already complex spatial planning challenges. Location intelligence as well geo-analytics will help to better understand impacts of climate change scenarios on the urban environment. As a result such new insights allow for better policy and decision making to build toward a climate resilient city in the longer term.
Required City / Regional Level Data
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- Written by Joomla
- Category: Joomla!
- Hits: 12
We will also collect the required data on city / regional level1:
socioeconomic data: Census data for (population, income, job, etc.) from bureau of Statistics and Provincial Peoples Committee starting from 1980 to 2016;
meteorological data: rainfall, temperature, humidity from the hydromet offices of past 50 years;
climatic data: Events (intensity, duration, extent, etc.) of flood, drought, cyclone, storm surge, intense (heavy) rain of past 50 years;
river data: river gauge data (river flow, silt load, water level, etc.) of past 50 years or more;
- national ground control points (GCPs) data of three provinces;
topographic maps covering three provinces (1:50,000 scale) and three cities (1:25,000 scale or better, if available) and digital contour data of three provinces;
In the preparation phase of the project we will also investigate if there are recent land use mapsavailable at for example the Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DONRE);
for Hue city Sea datasets: Daily reading of tide fluctuation (Tide gauge) from the closest location, Bathymetry data (if available), and, Cyclone/Storm surge hitting Hue city during the past 50 years ormore (as available); and
together with the knowledge partners we will determine if any other datasets may seem necessary to collect;
Component 1
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- Written by Joomla
- Category: Joomla!
- Hits: 14
The following activities / tasks are part of our component 1 work package:
Preparation of Implementation materials (work plan and staff schedule) within 2 weeks after the mobilization of contract;
In consultation with international knowledge partners and ADB conduct an overall needs assessment to establish and confirm: Data requirements, DIAS interaction requirements and ADB-SAF functional requirements. This is part of the inception phase and the result will be documented in the inception report.
Component 2
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- Written by Joomla
- Category: Joomla!
- Hits: 5
The following activities / tasks are part of our component 2
Create baseline spatial and socioeconomic data repository at the regional and city scale;
Data extraction and collection from Earth Observation satellite data to be used for climate change and disaster risk assessment;
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